Goals - the end result toward which your efforts are directed.
Objectives - measurable programmatic outcomes.
Tasks - specific events that will take place to achieve the objectives.
Goals, objectives and tasks should be clear and concise so that the prospective donor will understand what you are going to do.
• The Goals and Objectives narrative should flow parallel to the Budget.
• Make them stand out on the page.
• Use numbers, bullets, or indentations to identify each objective.
Be realistic. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Many prospective donors will not fund a project/program which does not include achievable and measurable goals and objectives.
Note: There must be no disorganization which might lead to confusion. Do not use words that are vague, such as “understand,” “believe,” “know,” “feel,” “think,” “maybe,” “suppose.” Use words that relate to an action, “create,” “establish,” “provide,” “feed,” etc.
Goals describe:
• The purpose of the project.
• The anticipated outcome.
Objectives explain to the prospective donor what will be achieved by the project/program:
• Behavioral — actions anticipated.
• Performance — time frame within which an action will occur.
• Process — the manner in which an action occurs.
• End Result — a measurable result.
Note: You may find yourself using one or more of these types of objectives, depending on the nature of your project. Create as many objectives as you need to achieve your goals. They should follow the Timetable in the order of appearance in your narrative.
Tasks must be specific, concrete, measurable, and achievable in a definite time period.
• Each task refers to a budget line item.
• Tasks should be presented in order.
• Tasks must be tied to your timetable so that the prospective donor can visualize the sequence of events.